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About us


Designed in Australia, our mission is to create luxe and unique accessories made from quality materials that become a must have for a woman's beauty routine.

Inspired by a vintage aesthetic, we are known for bringing fashion to the bathroom with our range of exclusive designer prints released each season. 

We’ve always been committed to and passionate about making women feel good in the bathroom – as a sanctuary from our busy lives in the outside world, it’s a place to take time to pamper yourself.


As a busy mum, a shower cap was an ugly necessity. Like so many women, I needed to wear one in the shower to preserve my blow dry in between washes but I felt so unattractive wearing the bonnet style shower caps available! I decided there must be a more stylish way to protect my hair while in the shower and launched the original turban style shower cap in 2014.

Proudly female owned, it is part of our company mission to empower and develop women. We proudly support Styling Station charity.

Louvelle About on Vimeo.